
Master Instruments

     For the manufacturing of personal instruments, which are entirely handmade, we usually employ Italian spruce-fir and local sycamore maple. The most common models in the construction of the violin are: Guarneri and Stradivari, however, our expertise spans models such as Ornati, Galimberti, Gagliano, Testore, Storioni.
For the viola, we use models such as Amati, Goffriller, Camilli, Ornati.
We also own many models for cellos such as: Montagnana, Goffriller, Stradivari, Teccler, Ornati, Garimberti and Amati.
For special orders, we can manufacture, at the customer’s request, imitations/copies after your own model or one chosen from a book. For varnishing, we use varnish made following traditional Italian recipes, based on the boiling of the flaxen oil and natural resin, such as amber, copal di Manila, damar, Venetian turpentine, colophony, etc.

Master Violin 2019

Master Violin 2018

Workshop Cello 2019